E+ docs
08/06/2021Erasmus news
09/06/2021Pursuant to Article 65 of the Law on Higher Education („Official Gazette of RS“, no.) and Article 64 of Business College of Applied Studies „Prof. PhD Radomir Bojković“ Kruševac, Serbia, the Teaching Council at the meeting held on June 09th 2021. formulated a set of rules in the
Article 1
This Rulebook regulates the basic principles of mobility of incoming and outgoing students, teaching and non-teaching staff of Business College of Applied Studies „Prof. PhD Radomir Bojković“ Kruševac, Serbia (hereinafter: The College) within the Erasmus + Programme, the type and duration of mobility, the application process, the rights and obligations of students, teaching and non-teaching staff and other important issues for the implementation of mobility within the Erasmus + Programme.
Article 2
Some of the basic concepts used in this Rulebook are defined as follows:
ERAZMUS +Programme is a Programme of individual international mobility (hereinafter: Mobility Programme) at higher education level for the period 2021-2027.
Student Mobility refers to any period of time a student spends abroad at a higher education institution for educational, research or traineeship (work placement) purposes.
Inter-institutional Agreement is an agreement on international cooperation within the Erasmus + Programme concluded between or carried out by the College and a partner institution of higher education in another country. This agreement determines the field of cooperation and the number of students, teaching and non-teaching staff who are to participate in the exchange.
Sending / Home Institution is a higher education institution at which the student is enrolled, and where the teaching and non-teaching staff are employed.
Receiving / Host Institution is a higher education institution at which the participant carries out their mobility activities.
Outgoing Student is a student of the College participating in the Mobility Programme who completes some of their degree or work placement requirements at the receiving institution.
Incoming Student is a student who participates in the Mobility Programme at the College as receiving institution.
Outgoing Teachers and Staff are persons employed by the College under a contract of employment who have been selected to participate in the Mobility Programme at the receiving institution.
Incoming Teachers and Staff are persons employed by a foreign higher education institution who have been selected to participate in the Mobility Programme at the College as receiving institution.
Learning Agreement for Studies is an agreement that sets out the Programme of studies to be followed by an outgoing student at the receiving institution and which is the basis for the recognition of the mobility activities of the outgoing student after the completion of the Mobility Programme.
Learning Agreement for Traineeship is a contract that defines a traineeship Programme to be completed by an outgoing student at a receiving institution /enterprise and which is the basis for the recognition of the mobility activities of the outgoing student after the completion of the Mobility Programme.
Transcript of Records is a document in which a higher education institution provides detailed information on the student’s mobile activities and achieved results, expressed in ECTS credits and local grades for each subject. The Transcript of Records is an official document issued by the Registrar, and can be issued in English as well.
Transcript of Work (Traineeship Certificate) is a document in which the receiving institution/ enterprise provides detailed information on the student’s mobility activities and achieved results.
Certificate of Attendance is a document in which the receiving institution attests the duration of the mobile participant’s activities.
Mobility Agreement – Staff Mobility for Teaching is an agreement which defines a Programme of teaching activities for an outbound member of the teaching staff.
Mobility Agreement – Staff Mobility for Training is an agreement which stipulates the activities to be undertaken by an outgoing member for the purpose of receiving training.
Article 3
The mobility Programme can take the following forms:
– Student Mobility for Studies;
– Student Mobility for Traineeship;
– Teaching Staff Mobility for Teaching;
– Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Mobility for training.
Article 4
Mobile activities are to be undertaken as stipulated in the inter-institutional agreement except for traineeship activities.
Article 5
The procedure for the selection of students, teaching and non-teaching staff is specified in the Call for Applications.
It describes the requirements for exercising the right to financial support, the application process, mandatory fields, the selection procedure, the manner of publishing the selection results and the appeal procedure.
Call for Applications is posted on the College’s website and the College’s noticeboard.
The Role of the Centre for International Cooperation and Projects in the mobility programme
Article 6
The Centre for International Cooperation of the College (hereinafter: the Centre) is in charge of announcing a call for applications for selection of students, teaching or non-teaching staff to participate in the Mobility Programme.
The selection procedure of students, teaching and non-teaching staff to participate in the Mobility Programme is undertaken by the Centre, in accordance with the requirements specified in the call.
The following members constitute the Centre: Head of Centre, Mobility Coordinator, Project Coordinator, Administrative assistant, Academic Assistant and other members. The Head of the Centre reports to Director on all relevant activities related to the Centre.
Members of the Centre are obliged to assist students, teaching and non-teaching staff in the choice of the receiving institution, help with travel arrangements, accommodation, visas and insurance. The Centre members are also expected to help mobile participants evaluate the level of their personal and professional development attained during the mobility period.
Article 7
Student mobility within the framework of the Mobility Programme refers to the mobility period for studies or traineeship at a receiving institution/enterprise, after which the student returns to the home institution and completes their degree requirements.
Student mobility may also refer to a mobility period for studies or traineeship at a receiving institution during undergraduate studies at the receiving institution.
Application requirements and eligibility conditions for the Erasmus+ Mobility Programme
Article 8
Students at the College have the right to apply for the Mobility Programme. Undergraduate students have the right to apply on condition that they have at least one year left towards their degree at the moment of applying for the exchange. First year undergraduate students can only apply for the Mobility Programme for Traineeship.
The selection criteria relate to students’ academic achievement, the required level of the foreign language proficiency to cope with the courses from the start and a letter of motivation.
Recognition of mobility period
Article 9
Upon completion of the Mobility Programme, the receiving institution or business entity is obliged to issue a copy of the Transcripts of Records/Work.
The Transcript of Records must contain data on the student, a list of successfully completed courses (exams passed), the obtained local grades and the number of ECTS credits achieved for each course, the duration of the Mobility Programme and other information if considered relevant.
Transcripts of Records/Work is the basis for the recognition of achieved learning outcomes and ECTS credits during mobility.
Participation in the Mobility Programme is recorded in the Diploma Supplement.
Rights and obligations of outgoing students
Article 10
Students participating in the Mobility Programme retain their status of a student at the College during their stay abroad. A student who has been selected to participate in the Mobility Programme is obliged to regularly enrol into the academic year, and to fulfil all of the necessary administrative requirement at the College for the semester preceding his departure. For the duration of the Mobility Programme, the student is exempted from paying tuition fees at the receiving institution.
Learning /Traineeship Agreement
Article 11
Students selected for the Mobility Programme for Studies are obliged to sign the Learning Agreement, specifying the names of the courses the student will attend and other activities they are required to complete during the mobility period, as well as the number of ECTS credits for each course or activity successfully completed.
The learning agreement is concluded between the student, the representative of the receiving institution and the representative of the sending institution.
Students selected for the Mobility Programme for Traineeship are obliged to sign a Learning Agreement for Traineeship, stating the duration of the work placement, the activity plan, the learning outcomes, data on mentoring and achieved results that will be recognized by the home institution at the end of the mobility.
Learning Agreement for Traineeship is concluded between a student, a representative of the home institution, a representative of the host institution or the enterprise where the work placement will take place.
The College representative authorised to sign the Learning Agreement for Studies/Traineeship (Assistant Director for International Cooperation) is the Head of the Centre.
Learning Agreement for Studies/Traineeship may be changed only in writing with the consent of all the signatories.
Article 12
Student can participate in mobility programmes for a maximum of 12 months at each level of studies.
Upon completion of the Mobility Programme, the student is obliged to submit Transcript of Records/Traineeship and a Certificate of Attendance to the Mobility Coordinator at the receiving institution.
Recognition of learning outcomes and ECTS credits
Article 13
Recognition of learning outcomes and ECTS credits earned during the mobility period is based on the principles of transparency, flexibility and fairness. A flexible approach in recognizing the results achieved during the mobility period implies looking for similarities between courses, acquired knowledge and learning outcomes, rather than differences in the study Programmes being compared.
ECTS credits and grades for the courses taken at the receiving institution are recognized in accordance with the study Programme at the home institution. If there is a discrepancy between the grading systems used at a home and a host institution, grades are converted into the grades of the home institution by comparing the distribution of grades in accordance with ECTS Grading Table issued by the European Commission. If grades cannot fit into home institution’s grading system, they are entered in the original form and are not included in the average grade calculated at the end of the studies.
If a student has attended a course but has not passed the exam at the receiving institution, the home institution will allow the student to sit an exam in a related subject upon their return, without the obligation to re-attend lectures and resit exams.
The mobility coordinator is responsible for comparing curricula, syllabi and ECTS credits, grades and duration of traineeship in cooperation with the Recognition and Equivalence Commission at the College.
When selected courses are compatible with the study programmes of the home institution, they are automatically recognized. If the courses are not equivalent, the home institution must report the data on the exams passed and the ECTS credits earned in the Diploma Supplement.
Information about traineeship is always entered in the Diploma Supplement.
Recognized subjects, credits, grades and traineeship are also recorded in a student’s document issued by the home institution.
Rights and obligations of incoming students
Article 14
The selection of incoming students is the responsibility of their home institution. The selected students are obliged to submit a completed application form to the Centre, by June 15 at the latest for the winter semester, or 15 December for the summer semester.
The Centre is in charge of making arrangements for the arrival and reception of incoming students.
The College undertakes to provide foreign language instruction for incoming students – individual consultations or, if the teachers’ workload and working schedule permit, individual tutorials.
According to the rules of the Mobility Programme, the College concludes the Learning Agreement with an incoming student.
Incoming students are exempted from paying tuition fees during their mobility period in the College in accordance with the rules of Erasmus + Programme.
Upon completion of the Mobility Programme, the College as receiving institution is obliged to issue aCertificate of Attendance and Transcript of Records or Transcript of Work in the English language to the incoming student.
Article 15
Teaching staff may participate in the Mobility Programme for the purposes of teaching and training, while non-teaching staff can participate in the Mobility Programme for the purposes of training only. On completion of the Mobility Programme the participants return to their home institution.
The mobility period is defined in a call for application announced by the Centre. The call specifies the type of mobility, the manner of application, mandatory fields of the application, the criteria for selection of candidates, the manner of publishing the results of the competition and the appeal procedure.
Unless otherwise specified, one person may participate in several mobility Programmes during one academic year, but as a rule priority is given to persons who have not participated in the mobility in the current or previous years.
The person who participated in the Mobility Programme is obliged to submit Certificate of Mobility to the Mobility Coordinator after the Programme has been completed.
Article 16
The selection of incoming teaching and non-teaching staff to participate in the Mobility Programme is undertaken by their home institution.
Mobility of incoming teaching and non-teaching staff is organized by the Centre.
Teaching staff may participate in the Mobility Programme for the purposes of teaching and training, while non-teaching staff can participate in the Mobility Programme for the purposes of training only. On completion of the Mobility Programme the participants return to their home institution.
The planning and realization of incoming mobility activities for teaching and non-teaching staff of partner institutions are defined in a Mobility Agreement for Teaching and Mobility Agreement for Training respectively.
The College is obliged to issue a Certificate of Attendance in English to teaching or non-teaching staff of foreign higher education institutions participating in the Mobility Programme.
Upon completion of the Mobility Programme, the College as receiving institution is obliged to issue a Certificate of Attendance in the English language to the incoming participant.
Article 17
This Rulebook shall enter into force on the day of its posting on the College’s noticeboard.